On Wednesday June 26 2019, the German Ethics Council held its annual meeting to discuss the complex ethical questions raised by the use of robotic technologies in care and especially in nursing for the elderly. Together with scientists from computer science, medicine, psychology, medical ethics, law and cultural anthropology, potentials and challenges that arise in dealing with new assistive systems for the various target groups in nursing care for the elderly were discussed.
In his introductory key note, Prof. Haddadin stressed the importance of putting the human being first when employing robotics and artificial intelligence technology in care. The new technologies should be a tool to independent ageing at home.
Furthermore, the first prototype of the robotic assistant GARMI was presented by scientists from the MSRM in a telemedical scenario..
More informations can be found here:
- idw: Jahrestagung des Deutschen Ethikrates: Pflege – Roboter – Ethik
- Deutschlandfunk: „Es geht nicht darum, künstliche Menschen zu erzeugen“
- Ärzteblatt: Ethikrat diskutiert ethische Herausforderungen der Robotik in der Pflege
- Domradio: Der Mensch im Mittelpunkt
- evangelisch.de: Ethikrat zu Pflege-Robotern: Mensch muss im Mittelpunkt stehen
- altenheim.de: Können Roboter einen Beitrag zu guter Pflege leisten?