Become a Jugend forscht juror and support STEM education
Jugend forscht is Germany's best-known research competition for young people from the 4th grade to the age of 21. The competition promotes STEM education throughout Germany since 1965. Talents compete in six Jugend forscht subject areas: Working World, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics/Computer Science, Physics, and Technology. The Munich West Regional Competition is organized every year by Franka Emika, the Robokind Foundation, and MIRMI. You can participate in this exciting initiative by joining any of the Jugend forscht jury teams. The event will take place in person on 15 and 16 February 2023. If you are interested, please send a message to stating your professional profile and your preferred 3 topic areas for which you would be suitable as a juror. Please note that the official language of the competition is German.