Impressive news! Prof. Jia Chen will receive one of the internationally highly regarded ERC Consolidator Grants from the European Research Council (ERC) for 2022. Her research project CoSense4Climate will be funded for a period of up to five years with up to 2 million euros.
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As a research assistant with Prof. Michael Gee in the research group of Mechanics and High Performance Computing, Tahar Arjoune has a big goal: The doctoral student in cardiac modeling and simulation would like to develop a digital twin of the heart and the circulatory system in order to predict the outcome of valve replacement and support the clinicians in their decision making.
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After almost three years of development, the time has come: For the first time, a robot in the experimental operating theatre of the MITI research group takes over the tasks of an "operating theatre jumper" in the non-sterile area. He fetches sterile materials - such as suture material or surgical gloves - from the warehouse, brings them to the operating theatre, opens the packaging and hands the sterile goods to the surgeon. Lukas Bernhard, a doctoral student at the Klinikum rechts der Isar of the Technical University of Munich (TUM), talks about the capabilities of the AURORA robot.
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The care robot GARMI and a research team from the Munich Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence (MIRMI) at the Technical University of Munich took part in the "Better Together" event organized by bidt at the Munich Residence! GARMI showed several demos that are crucial for future healthcare! The application of GARMI is being researched as part of the bidt-funded Responsible Robotics (RRAI) project.
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The robo.innovate hackathon is on Fire! More than 50 talents and industry partners joined the kick-off event of our first robo.innovate hackathon in Munich yesterday. Our partners Continental, Siemens, Infineon Technologies, omegga and HORYZN proposed challenges, for which the teams brainstormed disruptive solutions in just a few hours! It was an incredible day and this is just the beginning. Starting today, the teams have just 4 weeks to refine their concept and prepare for the grand finale, where they will hack live from 4-6 November.
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In the Providentia++ project, researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have worked with industry partners to develop a technology to complement the vehicle perspective based on onboard sensor input with a bird’s-eye view of traffic conditions. This improves road safety – also for autonomous driving.
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Fandi Bi received several awards for her master's thesis. The topic at the time was to identify lazy compromises in companies producing mechatronic systems - the so-called technical debt (TD). In her doctoral thesis, the scientist from Prof. Birgit Vogel-Heuser's Department of Automation and Information Systems at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) is now working on systematically resolving them.
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In the recently launched EU-funded Horizon project euROBIN, the Munich Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence (MIRMI) is coordinating the work package „Robotic Manufacturing for a Circular Economy ". In addition, MIRMI's Robothon® Grand Challenge idea is being expanded to cooperate with euROBIN’s yearly Robotic Challenges. The Chief of Science at MIRMI, Dr. Utku Culha, tells us about the tasks of researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM).
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In the "Human Modeling and Rehabilitation Robotics" research group, Kim Kristin Peper conducts research on what is known as early rehabilitation. The PhD student at the Munich Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence (MIRMI) bridges the gap between coding, robotics and physiotherapy in her research.
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How robotics can improve the daily lives of the elderly and their caregivers: These are the central topics that scientists will be addressing at the first Geriatronics Summit in Garmisch. Questions to the organizers of the event and scientific leaders of the research projects, Luis Figueredo and Abdeldjallil Naceri from MIRMI.
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