What do you see as the main ethical challenges in using robots in caregiving?
Regarding the use of technology (including robotics), the same applies as in caregiving in general: the requirement for good care quality is our guideline (our standardization, including ethical aspects). This means that goodwill alone is not enough; good care requires adherence to professional standards. It is carried out based on the current state of caregiving knowledge, and the quality of the caregiving relationship is central. Therefore, the most important challenge is integrating the respective robotic system into the caregiving process against this background. It cannot be ethically justifiable to worsen care quality through the use of technology; it must at least be maintained. If things go well, the use of technology should even improve care quality in one way or another.
You are a nurse and a theologian. How do you feel about technological innovations—initially skeptical or curious?
Definitely curious. Even though I often like to refer to my professional experience in psychiatry, an area where there is undoubtedly currently little potential for the use of robotic systems, I must confess that I also worked in the intensive care unit with great enthusiasm. It is an interesting working area where I very much enjoyed and was fascinated by working with various life-supporting ventilation devices and other apparatuses. If technology is not used for its own sake—just because it is there and so much has already been invested in it—but if it can actually be put to the service of the needy person and their adequate care, then I am gladly curious about it.
Are you familiar with the developments at the Geriatronics Research Center in Garmisch-Partenkirchen? What is your impression?
Der Schlüssel zum Erfolg kann nur ein Co-Design Prozess sein, der getragen ist von dem Respekt vor der Expertise der unterschiedlichen Akteure. Das ist nicht immer einfach, denn Robotik und Pflege folgen unterschiedlichen Gesetzmäßigkeiten und Logiken und sprechen andere Sprachen. Je besser es gelingt, hier neugierig auf die jeweils andere Seite und deren Potential zu schauen und je weniger man sich von althergebrachten Rollenmustern und Stereotypen leiten lässt, desto mehr kommt an Erkenntnis zustande – und desto mehr Freude macht die Zusammenarbeit.
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