The Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts is launching a new funding program to strengthen
corona research at medical faculties and university hospitals in Bavaria. This was announced by
Science Minister Bernd Sibler in Munich in mid-December. According to Sibler, the funding volume
totals 6 million euros.
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A method to shed unprecedented views into skin diseases: That was the goal when the INNODERM project was
launched in 2016 under the leadership of TUM. It has yielded a novel imaging modality that can see deeper and
with higher discrimination beneath the skin surface than any competing method today. The project has now been
chosen as the winner of the European Commission’s 2021 ECS Innovation Award
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MIRMI will support the kick-off of innovative research projects via Seed Funds. The MIRMI Seed-Funds aim to stimulate new collaborations within MIRMI by supporting collaborative projects in the field of robotics and machine intelligence. Successful projects will receive funds for up to two (post)doctoral researchers (E13 50%) for up to six months duration. The plan is to hold a seed funding round every 6 months. The first round of MIRMI Seed Funds is open until 31. Jan. 2022.
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The Indy Autonomous Challenge was held at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway on Saturday – a race completely without drivers. Nine teams from universities around the world competed against one another with race cars controlled using Artificial Intelligence (AI). The Technical University of Munich (TUM) team made the best time with an average speed of 218 kilometers per hour. That won the young researchers first place and a cash prize of one million US dollars.
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A team at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has been working in the Providentia and Providentia++ projects to equip busy roads with advanced sensor technology. With artificial intelligence (AI), the data are digitally twinned to create a model of the real-world traffic situation. In this interview project leader Alois Knoll, a professor of Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Embedded Systems, explains the underlying vision – and what needs to be done to keep pace with the future of digital mobility.
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BayWa AG will provide substantial financial support to the TUM Venture Lab Food-Agro-Biotech (FAB). The TUM Venture Labs, launched by the Technical University of Munich and UnternehmerTUM, compare favorably with the world’s leading start-up incubator programs. Specifically targeting key technology fields, they create dynamic ecosystems that bring together start-ups, research, investors and established companies. In the fields of sustainable agriculture and healthy nutrition, "we expect natural sciences and life sciences to join forces with artificial intelligence, robotics and sensor…
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ProtecT became the winner of the Medical Robotics for Contagious Diseases Challenge 2021 in the Design category. ProteCT, a project in the scope of the lighthouse initiative Geriatronics, developed a Telemedical Diagnostic Framework that enables a modular, robot-based contactless examination. Such telediagnostic solutions ensure the stability of the health system in crises with a high incidence of infections like the global outbreak of COVID-19. The winning team received a £5,000 GBP prize.
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The State of Bavaria is supporting the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and a consortium of industrial partners with a total of 15 million euros in their efforts to develop the first prototype of an artificial intelligence-based factory ("KI.FABRIK") in Bavaria by 2030. Multifunctional, highly sensitive robots will use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to co-work with humans both directly and over long distances.
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Kick-off for the factory of the future: The Munich School of Robotics and Machine Intelligence (MSRM) of the Technical University of Munich (TUM) is starting - as announced by the Bavarian state government in its high-tech agenda - its flagship initiative for the first KI.FABRIK in Bavaria. The KI.FABRIK Bayern is a completely flexible and networked location for the local, crisis-proof and profitable production of the most modern IT and mechatronic high-tech components in Bavaria.
Take part via livestream when the MSRM of TUM lays the foundation stone for the lighthouse initiative KI.FABRIK…
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Alexander König, founder of Reactive Robotics, talks about VEMO, a robot developed to help intensive care patients walk, and the cooperation with the MSRM
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