What a finale! The robo.innovate hackathon teams have put their work from the past 4 weeks together and delivered their prototypes in one final push over the weekend. Along the way, the teams showed an extraordinary amount of resilience and determination to complete their projects. The results are beyond what we could imagine! Here are our winning teams:
Overall Winner: Picking Perfection – The team found a simple but elegant solution to sorting production components using a robot arm and delivered a flawless implementation and demo.
Best Concept: Eiervision – The team came up with a sophisticated and robust approach to the pose estimation of eggs in a tray that can be implemented at low cost and high volume.
Best Prototype: Colibro – The team delivered a fully functional flying demo of their localization and water dispensing system in a highly integrated and embedded fashion.
Best Ambition: Newtonmeter – The team set the bar for what they want to achieve during the hackathon to the highest standard and worked with incredible determination toward it.
Picture: Fabian Vogl
Picture: Fabian Vogl
Picture: Fabian Vogl
Picture: Fabian Vogl
Pictures: Fabian Vogl
Picture: Fabian Vogl
Pictures: Fabian Vogl
Picture: Fabian Vogl
Picture: Fabian Vogl
The robo.innovate hackathon was possible thanks to the mentorship of coaches from @Continental, @Siemens, @Infineon Technologie, @ omega, and @HORYZN for bringing their challenges and supporting the teams through their ups and downs. We also want to thank our excellent Jury team Alona Kharchenko, Dr. Nafiseh Masoumzadeh, Prof. Dr. Angela Schöllig, Prof. Dr. Eckehard Steinbach, Johannes Walcher, and Stefan Werner for contributing their expertise and finding a fair judgment. And our partners @Gründerland Bayern, @MUST Munich, @TUM Venture Labs, and @MakerSpace for making this event happen!
Stay tuned for the next edition of the robo.innovate hackathon!