Vortrag Prof. Makoto Kaneko
Am 04.12.19 besucht Prof. Makoto Kaneko von der Meijo University (Nagoya) die MSRM und hält einen Vortrag zum Thema „Fast and Fine On-Chip Manipulation“ (10:00-11:30 Uhr). Prof. Kaneko ist ein Pionier auf dem Gebiet der Hochgeschwindigkeitsbilderkennung, Verarbeitung und Aktorik sowie von dynamisch aktiven Messungen.
Micro manipulation using a micro fluidic chip is becoming popular, such as for testing mechanical property for a cell, or for guiding a micro robot to a goal in the micro fluidic channel. The advantage of utilizing on-chip cell manipulation is to enable us to achieve fast and fine manipulation by restricting the motion of a soft particle into one dimensional, and by introducing a novel idea of virtual reduction gear showing its power in a micro world. Focusing on Red Blood Cell (RBC), we demonstrate how to achieve fast and fine manipulation with the assistance of both an online high speed vision and a high speed actuator. As application, we show two examples; one is the cell stress test where mechanical stress is given to a RBC until it completely loses its deformability and the other is the cell loading for evaluating both stiffness and viscosity of RBC. Through these tests, we show some mysterious behaviors of RBCs. We also discuss the relationship between the deformability of RBC and the brain activity.
(M’88-SM’03-F’06 for IEEE) He is a professor of the Graduate School of Sci. and Tech., Meijo University. He received Ph.D. at the University of Tokyo in 1981. His current research interests include innovative dynamic active sensing, such as strobe imager, cell deformability, dynamic sensing of human eye and internal organs by using both high speed vision and high speed actuator. He has received more than 30 awards, including the Humboldt Research Award (1997), the IEEE ICRA Best Manipulation Paper Award (2000), the IEEE ISATP Outstanding Paper Award (2001), the IEEE RAS King-Sun Fu Memorial Best Trans. Paper Award (2003), the IEEE ICIA Best Conference Paper Award (2005), the IEEE ICMA Best Paper Award (2012 and 2015), the IEEE MHS Best Paper Award (2011 and 2014), and the IEEE CBS Best Conference Paper Award (2017). He also received the Honorary Doctor from Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany (2013).

Rechts: Prof. Sami Haddadin